Are you a Quiet Quitter ?

Are you a quiet quitter? Or just demotivated by the toxicity of your workplace?

We’re often oblivious to the methods or personality traits of our managers or colleagues that compromise the quality of our work environment.

Right now, you could work for someone who’s making commitments on deadlines on your behalf without figuring out what is reasonably doable for you, who interrupts you while you’re working to check on what you’re doing and pressure you with additional deliverables, who won’t step in to give you a helping hand and over-delegate everything in spite of your workload, who’s seldom given you a positive feedback but can easily criticize you…

Maybe you’re working with someone who’s competitive to a fault, who’s eyeing a management position and who talks behind your back to disparage you or your accomplishments.

So if you’re agreeable and try to do your best by becoming a yes-person, you’ll inevitably start dealing with a pressure that could either lead to your burnout, or to a complete demotivation that will be labelled as quiet quitting.

For those reasons, I made it my priority to publish a range of personal growth and essential life skills training courses on Udemy to help you recognize and deal with those work environments.


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