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Mentoring to overcome challenges and take action towards personal improvement



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Online courses for your career development, personal fulfilment and mental well-being.



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Improve your employees’ mental health, productivity and lower your turnover



If there's one thing I remind my clients during our first session, it’s the following. You may not choose your life circumstances, but you always choose how you react to every one of them. Now this means you’ve ALWAYS done everything you wanted. And sure, what you got in turn may not be in line with what you were looking for, so you’ve piled up problems and grown to be dissatisfied with your relationships, your job or any one of your other life areas. But 450h+ hours of therapy convinced me that any external problem we may be faced with in life calls for an internal resource we can tap into. So if your future holds a positive alternative, you should know that it is subjected to every choice and action you make now.

Passionate about psychology and convinced by our individual capacity to reach for our fulfillment, my mission is to help you find the resources that will allow you to achieve your personal and professional goals. With my courses and therapy sessions, I bring forth an approach aimed at helping you understand and overcome your anxiety, toxic relationships, abusive work environments, procrastination or self-esteem problems and more. Thanks to a structured and empathetic practice, you’ll be able to thoroughly review your thought processes and resulting habits that are detrimental to your life.

Soufiane El Alaoui
Certified CBT Practitioner


Toxic Managers: How to Navigate Abusive Work Environments

Do you feel anxious, stressed, or even demotivated due to your workplace environment? Are you experiencing a manager who makes you feel unheard, disrespected, or unsupported? If so, you are not alone.

The truth is, toxic management is a common problem in many organizations. It can have a negative impact on employee well-being, job satisfaction, and productivity. In fact, research shows that toxic managers can cause serious mental health issues such as depression or burnout.

More information on the course


Discover an empathetic and structured approach to help you move past your problems.

My personal goal is to have you not need more sessions than necessary. On average, my program lasts 5 sessions.



It’s easy to fall for anxiety-based patterns of thinking and behaviors because of our jobs and daily responsibilities, our relationships or our past traumas, until we fail to look outside of our boxes. Unless something shakes us up, we realize only too late that we’ve trapped ourselves in an uncomfortable and unfulfilling routine, yet we lack the drive to change and figure out what’s wrong.

So start by taking a free, self-assessment of what's wrong in your life through the link below

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