Productivity is an Uphill Battle
Being productive can often feel like an uphill battle. It's easy to fall into the trap of blaming ourselves, thinking we're just lazy or unmotivated. But in reality, numerous barriers can hinder our productivity. Let’s dissect these barriers :
Complexity: Have you ever found yourself procrastinating on a task because it seemed too complex or overwhelming? Sometimes, a complex task can feel crushing. Embrace the notion that it's okay to start somewhere: Break the task into smaller, manageable steps. Gradually, you'll gain confidence and competence along the way. Complexity is always an opportunity, not a roadblock.
Lack of Interest: Do you often struggle to stay productive when dealing with tasks that just don't interest you? Understand that in life, there are tasks we want to do and tasks we have to do. Some tasks leave us feeling energized, while others can be draining. For instance, working a job you don’t like falls into the latter category. The key is to take responsibility: don’t adopt a victim mindset where you complain to no avail, but build the mental fortitude to devise a plan to go for what you’d rather do, even if its execution may take a couple of years and a new training, certification…
Fear of Judgment: Have you ever held back on pursuing something due to the fear of what others might think? Remember that 1) people are wrapped up in their own stories, not yours, 2) even your favorite movie has the worst reviews, in other words, you won’t ever gain everyone’s approval. Their opinions should not dictate your actions. In most cases, you'll find that the potential consequences for putting yourself out there are far less dire than your imagination would have you believe.
Lack of Clarity: Do you ever feel like you're spinning your wheels, unsure of where to focus your efforts? Feeling lost triggers a fight or flight response that often translates into the avoidance of our tasks. So take a minute to set clear, achievable goals and break them down into actionable, short-term steps. This clarity will provide you with a practical roadmap that should help you maintain your productivity.
Perfectionism: Are you often spending excessive time on minor details? Now look, this blog post could have been rewritten a dozen times before I published it. Why didn’t I then? Well, perfection is an elusive goal. Perfectionism can lead to procrastination and a decline in productivity, as well as neglecting other priorities. Striving for excellence shouldn’t paralyze you. Sometimes, done is better than perfect. Give yourself permission to be a draft (multiple times) and learn along the way.
Prioritization: Are you juggling too many commitments, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and unproductive? It's essential to recognize that there are only so many hours in a day. If you don’t prioritize what genuinely matters to you and set appropriate boundaries to allocate your time and energy accordingly, then your circumstances, your job and other people will.
Lack of Self-Care: Are you neglecting yourself ? Self-care isn't a luxury; it's a necessity. Make time for rest, exercise, and activities that recharge you. When you prioritize self-care, you'll find that your overall productivity improves, as you'll have the energy and mental clarity needed to tackle tasks effectively.
By identifying and addressing these common barriers, you'll be better equipped to get more out of life, but as of today you just need to take that first step. And if you want that extra push, you can discover my highest rated courses here.