

A Practical Guide to Healthy Relationships

A complete Masterclass to discover unhealthy relationships patterns and the ways to overcome them, to improve your communication and listening skills, your ability to manage conflicts and misunderstandings, and to give constructive feedbacks.

Relationships can provide us with a sense of belonging that nurtures our fulfillment, but you may have noticed that it takes so little to get disconnected from others, whether at home or at work. To tolerate abusive or toxic setups, to mismanage conflict, to miscommunicate when we disagree, or display a lack of care and respect for others.

But you may ask yourself, if you’re not looking to have respectful, genuine or constructive relationships, then what is it you’re after that could possibly be better than that?

Nurturing healthy relationships is a mindful process that encompasses the way you feel about yourself and about others. And it shows, in the way you talk or listen to them, and you may have realized that some attitudes, whether yours or that of your lover, manager, friends or family are not ok, or even destructive. But what’s the alternative?

With this training that is based on social psychology, transactional analysis and NLP, you will:

  • Understand the common relationships dynamics that are unhealthy

  • Learn about the communicating and listening barriers that compromise our relationships

  • Understand how your internalized ideas, emotions and values interact with those of others

  • Apply essential skills to have respectful and caring relationships, which encompass empathy and assertiveness

  • Learn how to provide healthy feedback and communicate your anger constructively

  • Learn how to avoid misunderstandings and manage conflict constructively

This course is built to be pragmatic and to the point. Come and discover it by yourself, you can preview the first videos for free. When you subscribe to this training, you will have immediate access to a comprehensive educational content that includes, in addition to the videos, supporting documents to enhance your learning experience (workbooks in pdf format). You will also have access to all the updates to the content.


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